Let’s talk about the elephant in the online world…

(where the digital landscape is changing faster than we realise, consumers are more discerning and deliberate than ever and simply posting on socials is no longer a reliable “strategy” for gaining quality leads and fat profit margins)

Join me at this FREE live event for real world strategies

12-14 September, 2023

And what I’ve also come to realise…

…is that when we don’t have the proper foundations and robust strategies in place, doing business becomes exhausting af

So while we would never go back to how things were before we took the leap into entrepreneurship, a part of us really misses the predictability (and safety) that comes with a regular salary, superannuation and paid sick leave.

I know what it’s like when you’re having SO MUCH FUN building momentum and creating the most epic offers you really want to put out into the world -- but then not having a strategy to guide you so you wind up working much harder than you need to.

It's kind of a bummer that simply showing up on socials isn't enough anymore and that having a robust, well thought out and highly individualised strategy is what you *really* need to move the needle...

Yet part of you feels resistance …

Why should you have to implement a long term strategy (heck, even a short term one!) when your success so far has been built at a time where just ‘showing up on the gram’ made you money? 

Figuring out a whole new strategy just seems like a lot of extra work…

You wish things could continue to flow like they always have!

But here’s the thing:

It’s not enough to wing it anymore. To be successful in a changing industry and create PREDICTABLE income (instead of stressful cycles of feast and famine), you’ve gotta have robust strategies for literally everything in your business. 

Let me ask you this…

Do you know how you'll generate quality leads on a consistent basis? Do you know where you want to send those leads once they arrive? Do you know how you're going to make your message more visible? What about the messaging of your latest offer? Do you have a robust strategy for how you'll convert?

If you answered ‘no’ to any or all of these questions, then babes, you've only got fans and followers, not a business #sorrynotsorry

It wasn't until I started coaching entrepreneurs who made far more money than I did…

that I realised I do strategy and foundations unbelievably well and it’s that specific skill that has created more predictable revenue in my own business. 

Lots of people will tell you how great it is to make a million bucks in 18 months. And that truly is so EPIC. But I teach a more sustainable, consistent approach to growth. The kind where you have the predictable income you always dreamed of, and the epic lifestyle to match!

Having the deep strategy to guide me has given me unbelievable amounts of confidence and courage to blaze my own unique path in business.

And I can show you how to do the same. 


✦ ✷

Introducing... ✦ ✷

Join Jazze Jervis for a 3 day live event (12th-14th September 2023) to learn the foundational strategies you MUST have if you want to make more predictable revenue in a way that feels really f*cking good for your nervous system and works for your unique business.

Creating more predictable income through more consistent sales is absolutely possible, but you do need to have the right structures in place.

It’s not enough to slap some Facebook ads on an old program and expect it to generate reliable, recurring revenue.

It’s not enough to launch a membership site and expect it to magically generate consistent, predictable income.

It’s not enough to pay a shit ton of money to build a fancy funnel and expect it to pay you handsomely and consistently.

If you’ve tried any or all of those tactics and it hasn’t worked, here’s the reason why:

(ready for some tough love?)

#sorrynotsorry someone has to say it…

If your Instagram highlight says one thing and your website says something else, you’ll confuse TF out of people and they won’t buy. Similarly, if your offer sucks, slapping ads on it won’t sell it. And if you're generating leads but have no clue what to do with them once they arrive, what are you even doing?

Look, there are plenty of good reasons why you haven’t yet created the predictability of revenue you so desire but there’s one thing I can almost guarantee you’ve been missing…

Do you have the PROPER FOUNDATIONS AND ROBUST STRATEGIES set up and on lock to ensure clients and sales on repeat? 

If you don’t have a clue what these foundations are, this FREE event was made for you!

Over 3 high impact and super actionable days, I’ll share exactly what those foundations are so you can start implementing into your own business.

Here’s what we’ll cover:


On day 1, I’ll take you behind the scenes of the offers we’ve created that have helped to create over $50k in monthly recurring revenue for the past 3+ years AND allowed me to create the most seamless switch from live launch driven to evergreen sales and from a cohort style delivery to evergreen delivery in my programs. 

We’ll look at a few ways to tweak your offer that’ll help you create more predictable revenue (this will work for any coach or service provider), no matter whether you’re currently offering 1:1 or group containers.


I’ll share a super tangible and immediately actionable strategy you can employ in the areas of messaging, marketing and sales to help you sell the offer distilled on day 1 and create more predictable revenue now AND over time. 

Predictable revenue requires predictable strategies. I’ll show you how to audit your messaging to ensure it's highly compelling, then we’ll look at how to create more predictability in marketing for both you and your potential clients, and finally you’ll learn how to engage in more sales conversations in your business.


By attending live on the final day, you’ll see how I coach two businesses to refine their offers and implement the strategies on day 2 to create more revenue *now* and over time. This is where you’ll get to see the real world practical application of one of the most successful strategies in my business. 

If you want to be one of those two businesses, make sure you register to attend Predictable Profits so you can receive the application form to apply.

Yes, the replays will be sent out but you don’t want to miss the opportunity to get real time, needle-moving advice that’ll get you on the path to making the predictable revenue “dream” your reality!

Pop your details in below to join the free event - September 12th - 14th, 2023.

    Still got some Qs….?

    I’ve got your As!

    • Sorry, nope. This is best suited to established business owners who already have proven offers, have been working with clients and seeing results, and have at least some existing recurring revenue that can be prioritised alongside setting up these foundations.

    • Yes, that may be possible. But really, this is something you can implement alongside whatever you’ve been doing that has been making you cash and set you up for more consistent, predictable revenue.

    • Yes. And I’ll be running each session twice (morning and afternoon) so that all time zones will be able to attend live. Our business is structured in the same way and I’m very lucky to have clients all over the world who can (and do) attend our sessions live. We will also be sending replays BUT why would you miss the magic opportunity to have my eyes and ears on your ideas so you can start taking action and laying the solid foundations asap?!?!

    • No, not in this training as there’s just too much strategy to cover but it’s something we explore in great detail in our 12 or 6 month business immersion, NEON. All of our clients in this container are supported with personalised strategies that work for them and their business.

    • Yes and I am super excited about it! However, this event contains SO MUCH value as a stand alone offer that even if you never sign up for anything at Team JJ, you’ll leave feeling supported, inspired and excited to start setting up the foundations for your own predictable revenue reality.

    I’ve heard enough! Let’s do it…