Get ready to align your
business with your own beautifully unique cosmic blueprint…

(and earn the ultimate flex: “richness without sacrifice”)

(Join me on Wed 25th October at 9am AWST)

There is a way and it’s already written in the stars!

You’re doing all the things you know you “should” be doing in business…

…and you’ve certainly had some success over the years. You just can’t shake the feeling that you’re somehow “doing it wrong”.

You started your biz because you wanted to do things on your terms. But you’ve spent so much time implementing other people’s strategies, you’re now wondering why things don’t work as well for you as it does for them.

Thing is, we’re all different people, with very different strengths so it makes sense that we should all be prioritising different things

…like how we go about our day-to-day business operations, how we use and execute our strategies, the platforms we choose, and the communication styles that work for us.

If only there was a way to be *really* sure you’re making the right choices and prioritising the right things in your business…

Let me show you how to decode it in…


Unlock Your earning potential through
the Power of Astrology and Human Design

Find more spaciousness, speak with more authority and allow more richness in your business (without any of the sacrifice) using nothing more than your human design energy type and astrological birth chart


In this no-fluff 90 minute masterclass, I’ll show you how you can:

  • Find more spaciousness in your business so you can make grounded decisions, be more intentional and have more rest.

  • Access and excavate your strengths so you can step into more authority in your industry. 

  • Discover your own version of “Richness Without Sacrifice” so you can prioritise strategies that work for you, your unique cosmic blueprint and your ideal client. 

    Plus, we’ll explore things like:

  • How these strategies have been applied in my own and my clients’ businesses.

  • How your undefined energy centres in HD might be creating a sense of unnecessary urgency and “pressure” in your business, getting you stuck in initiation and forcing things to happen. 

  • How your Sun Sign in astrology plays a vital role in navigating life and business and how being aware of this can help you to create a business model and strategies that feels easeful.

About me

I’m Jazze Jervis, a mother to a fiery Leo, wife to an ex-basketballer and humble Aquarian and a business coach supporting coaches, consultants and service providers to increase visibility, scale their brands and increase profits with *personalised* strategies, human design and astrology.

In my first million dollar year, I experienced burnout not just from overworking, but as the result of trying to make other people’s strategies work for me. This took me further and further away from my unique way of being and resulted in a “come to Jesus” decision to start getting clear on what strategies were not only going to be income-producing, but sustainable and fulfilling long-term.

It had such a profound impact on my well-being and business that it shifted the way I coach clients and led to the creation of a first of its kind program, Neon, a business immersion that supports coaches, consultants and service providers to scale spaciously to multi-6 figure realities with high-impact and personalised strategies that are based entirely on their unique strengths, human design and astrology.

I’m a multi-passionate 5/1 Manifesting Generator in human design, my Sun is in the sign of Cancer (7H) and I’m a Capricorn Ascendant (so intuitive business is literally what I’ve been put on the Earth to do!) I’m a passionate advocate for women feeling internally resourced, carving their own paths, learning to trust themselves and building legacies that allow them to create more joy in their lives, peace in their souls and generational wealth for their families.

Unlock your full earning potential with the power of Astrology and Human Design

(FREE Masterclass on Wed 25th October at 9am AWST)